Tips That Will Help You Sell Quickly This Holiday Season

If you want to sell your home quickly during the holiday season, there are a few important tips you need to remember.

The holiday season is here, so if you’re putting your home on the market, here are a few tips you need to remember if you want to sell it quickly.

First, make sure it has a great online presence. Everything happens on the internet these days, so your home’s photos need to look great. It’s not always easy to make your home’s exterior photos look great this time of year, so it might help to include some summertime photos when the grass was green and leaves were on the trees.

Next, play up the features of your home that are holiday-related. Perhaps you have a massive dining room that’s great for family dinners, or a fabulous home theater that would be perfect to watch the Super Bowl in. These are the kinds of features you need to emphasize.

Everything happens on the internet these days, so your home’s photos need to look great.

Be careful not to overdo your holiday decor, though. It’s fine to celebrate the season, but you run the risk of turning people away if they can’t see your home’s features because of all the decor.

Speaking of that, be as flexible as you can with your showings. Some people will want to schedule visits at inconvenient times, but that’s probably the only time they’re free to look at houses, so try to be as accommodating as you can.

Lastly, if you hold any open houses, make them holiday themed! If your open house is near Christmas, for instance, you could donate an extra turkey dinner or an item to the charity of your choice. We at the Charlotte Mabry Team pride ourselves on being creative when it comes to open houses, so if you give us a call, we’d be happy to share some of our ideas with you.

If you have any more questions about selling your home during the holidays or you have any other real estate needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to help you.

The Unexpected Costs of Downsizing

Downsizing can be great, but there are a few additional costs you should be aware of when deciding to move into a smaller home.

If you are considering downsizing your space, you should know that you might not be downsizing your expenses. A smaller house might sound great because there will be less to maintain, but sometimes a smaller home can have a greater cost.

For example, if you are moving from an older home into a new construction property, you might have higher utility bills or homeowners association fees that you didn’t have before. If you were on septic and now you’re on sewer, there will be additional costs to your regular water bill. Moving to a new construction property might be more expensive.

Location is an important factor to consider as well. If you live in the county area and move within city limits, taxes might be more expensive. There might also be some assessments you have to do. If you want to retire and move near a lake or river, that’s awesome. Just be aware that you may be required to add flood insurance to your expenses.

The location of your new home can impact things like taxes, HOA fees, and insurance costs.

If you’re like me and you’re tired of dealing with a yard, you might be considering a townhome or condominium. There might be fees for those types of properties. You may have to pay for utilities such as shared lighting on the street or maintenance of the entryway.

If you are thinking of downsizing, keep these different costs in mind and figure out what will work best for you.

If you have any other questions about downsizing or real estate in general, just give us a call or send us an email. My team and I would be happy to help you!