If you’re thinking about buying a home, and you’re ready to make an offer, how can you stand out
in this crazy market? I have five tips that can help make your offer as strong as possible.
1. Know what you can afford. Don’t make offers on homes that are right at the top of what you can afford. If you look for houses that are a little bit below that line, you can potentially bump up your offer price to outbid other buyers.
“You’ll probably need to make your best offer first.”
2. Keep a fast pace. If your agent calls you and tells you to look at a house, you need to look at it right away because it might move in the blink of an eye. Being flexible with your work and your time can let you see more houses before they get sold.
3. Make your best offer first. Back in the day, we could make an offer and gauge how the seller responded to it. That’s not the case anymore. A weak initial offer will just make the seller ignore you and go with seemingly stronger buyers.
4. Be a flexible negotiator. If the sellers want to stay in the property a little longer, or even if they want to rent afterward, you might have to be flexible. It can help your offer stand out and get you the home.
5. Use a seasoned real estate professional. We have a lot of good agents in our market, but you really need to be working with the best. They understand the process and will help you win multiple-offer situations
Here at the Charlotte Mabry Team, we have some awesome people who really know what they’re doing. I’d love to hook you up with one of them and help you win that house. Call or send us an email, and feel free to reach out even if you just have real estate questions.