Will Your Smart Home Sell for More?

While smart-home technology can up your home’s value, there are other issues to consider.

Will your smart home sell for more? In most cases, the answer is “yes.” Smart technology that turns your lights on and off, built in voice-activated systems, and adaptive thermostats are all sought-after features among certain age groups. In certain price ranges, smart home technology is almost a must.

Remember that smart homes require extra security precautions to deter hacking.

Having said this, it is important to know that smart-home technology is not without potential drawbacks. Smart technology can be hacked, so make sure to take necessary precautions so that in-home systems are secure. Remember that voice-activated systems like Alexa don’t always “hear” you correctly and can make mistakes, even interacting with your contacts outside the home in ways that you don’t want.

When considering smart-home technology, take time to consider your privacy, how the technology you are planning to install will interact with the world outside your home, and where your comfort levels are regarding these considerations.

If you’d like more information on buying or selling a home (with or without smart-technology!) contact us via phone or email today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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