Three actions to prioritize so you can thrive as the market shifts.
As a real estate professional, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the market is changing. This is the time to make sure you’re doing things correctly so you thrive instead of flounder. That is why I have narrowed down three priorities that are the most important actions an agent should be taking right now: 1. Check on your systems. Do you have systems, and are they in order? You should have an ideal system for all your processes that does the same thing every time. These systems will give you consistency in this shifting market.
“Who you align yourself with matters.”
2. Update your tools. My advice as someone who has been through downturns in the market before is you should be more careful to make sure you're spending wisely. For example, your marketing pieces — are they giving you a return on your investment? Also, are they reflecting the market? This all has to do with making sure your tools are updated to reflect the current climate. 3. Align yourself with a leader. Who you align yourself with matters, and you should be getting coaching from someone who has experience. If you don’t have anyone like that in your life, I would love to have a conversation with you. If you would like to know more about our experienced team and how we work well during change, send me an email. I hope to hear from you soon!